《Software Engineering at Google》摘抄(7)

by kevin 8. 九月 2022 14:07 >

At Google, we use the Goals/Signals/Metrics (GSM) framework to guide metrics creation.


  • A goal is a desired end result. It’s phrased in terms of what you want to understand at a high level and should not contain references to specific ways to measure it.

  • A signal is how you might know that you’ve achieved the end result. Signals are things we would like to measure, but they might not be measurable themselves.

  • A metric is proxy for a signal. It is the thing we actually can measure. It might not be the ideal measurement, but it is something that we believe is close enough.

  • 目标是一个期望的最终结果。它是根据你希望在高层次上理解的内容来表述的,不应包含对具体测量方法的引用。。

  • 信号是你如何知道你已经实现了最终结果。信号是我们想要衡量的东西,但它们本身可能是不可测量的。

  • 指标是信号的代表。它是我们实际上可以测量的东西。它可能不是理想的测量,但它是我们认为足够接近的东西。


The GSM framework encourages several desirable properties when creating metrics. First, by creating goals first, then signals, and finally metrics, it prevents the streetlight effect. The term comes from the full phrase “looking for your keys under the streetlight”: if you look only where you can see, you might not be looking in the right place. With metrics, this occurs when we use the metrics that we have easily accessible and that are easy to measure, regardless of whether those metrics suit our needs. Instead, GSM forces us to think about which metrics will actually help us achieve our goals, rather than simply what we have readily available.

GSM框架在创建指标时鼓励几个理想的属性。首先,通过首先创建目标,然后是信号,最后是指标,它可以防止路灯效应。这个词来自于 "在路灯下找你的钥匙 "这个完整的短语:如果你只看你能看到的地方,你可能没有找对地方。对于指标来说,当我们使用我们容易获得的、容易测量的指标时,就会出现这种情况,不管这些指标是否适合我们的需求。相反,GSM迫使我们思考哪些指标能真正帮助我们实现目标,而不是简单地考虑我们有哪些现成的指标。

Second, GSM helps prevent both metrics creep and metrics bias by encouraging us to come up with the appropriate set of metrics, using a principled approach, in advance of actually measuring the result. Consider the case in which we select metrics without a principled approach and then the results do not meet our stakeholders’ expectations. At that point, we run the risk that stakeholders will propose that we use different metrics that they believe will produce the desired result. And because we didn’t select based on a principled approach at the start, there’s no reason to say that they’re wrong! Instead, GSM encourages us to select metrics based on their ability to measure the original goals. Stakeholders can easily see that these metrics map to their original goals and agree, in advance, that this is the best set of metrics for measuring the outcomes.

第二,GSM通过鼓励我们使用原则性的方法提出适当的指标集,从而有助于防止指标蠕变和指标偏差,从而有助于实际测量结果。考虑这样一种情况,我们在没有原则性方法的情况下选择指标,然后结果不符合我们的利益相关者的期望。在这一点上,我们面临着利益相关者建议我们使用他们认为会产生预期结果的不同指标的风险。而且因为我们一开始并没有基于原则性的方法进行选择,所以没有理由说他们错了!相反,GSM鼓励我们根据衡量原始目标的能力选择指标。利益相关者可以很容易地看到这些指标映射到他们的 最初的目标,并提前同意这是衡量结果的最佳指标集。

虽然这显然是一个极端的例子,但团队在测量时总是忘记了核心的权衡:他们太专注于提高速度而忘记了测量质量(或者反过来)。为了解决这个问题,我们的研究团队将生产效率分为五个核心部分。这五个部分是相互权衡的,我们鼓励团队考虑每一个部分的目标,以确保他们不会在无意中提高一个部分而使其他部分下降。为了帮助人们记住所有五个组成部分,我们使用了 "QUANTS "的记忆法:








我们没有为可读性制定任何关注目标。这是可以的! 并非所有关于工程生产力的问题都涉及所有五个领域的权衡。





Recall our original goal in this chapter: we want to take action and improve productivity. After performing research on a topic, the team at Google always prepares a list of recommendations for how we can continue to improve. We might suggest new features to a tool, improving latency of a tool, improving documentation, removing obsolete processes, or even changing the incentive structures for the engineers. Ideally, these recommendations are “tool driven”: it does no good to tell engineers to change their process or way of thinking if the tools do not support them in doing so. We instead always assume that engineers will make the appropriate trade-offs if they have the proper data available and the suitable tools at their disposal.

回顾我们在本章中的最初目标:我们希望采取行动,提高生产效率。在对某个主题进行研究之后,谷歌的团队总是准备一份建议清单,说明我们可以如何继续改进。我们可能会建议给一个工具增加新的功能,改善工具的延迟,改善文档,删除过时的流程,甚至改变工程师的激励结构。理想情况下,这些建议是 "工具驱动 "的:如果工具不支持工程师改变他们的流程或思维方式,那么告诉他们这样做是没有用的。相反,我们总是假设,如果工程师有适当的数据和合适的工具可以使用,他们会做出适当的权衡。

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