by kevin
十一月 2022 13:44
Our discussion of deprecation begins from the fundamental premise that code is a liability, not an asset. After all, if code were an asset, why should we even bother spending time trying to turn down and remove obsolete systems? Code has costs, some of which are borne in the process of creating a system, but many other costs are borne as a system is maintained across its lifetime. These ongoing costs, such as the operational resources required to keep a system running or the effort to continually update its codebase as surrounding ecosystems evolve, mean that it’s worth evaluating the trade-offs between keeping an aging system running or working to turn it down.(我们对“弃用”的讨论始于这样一个基本前提,即代码是一种负债,而不是一种资产。毕竟,如果代码是一种资产, 我们为什么还要费心去尝试“弃用”它呢? 代码有成本,其中有开发成本,但更多的是维护成本。这些持续的成本, 例如保持系统运行所需的运营资源或紧跟周围生态而不断更新迭代花费的精力,意味着你需要在继续维护老化的系统运行和将其下线之间做一个权衡。)
Finally, funding and executing deprecation efforts can be difficult politically; staffing a team and spending time removing obsolete systems costs real money, whereas the costs of doing nothing and letting the system lumber along unattended are not readily observable. It can be difficult to convince the relevant stakeholders that deprecation efforts are worthwhile, particularly if they negatively impact new feature development. Research techniques, such as those described in Chapter 7, can provide concrete evidence that a deprecation is worthwhile.(最后,资助和执行“弃用”工作在行政上可能很困难;为团队配备人员并花时间移除过时的系统会花费大量金钱,而无所作为和让系统在无人看管的情况下缓慢运行的成本不易观察到。很难让相关利益相关者相信“弃用”工作是值得 的,尤其是当它们对新功能开发产生负面影响时。研究技术,例如第七章中描述的那些,可以提供具体的证据证明“弃用”是值得的。)
Given the difficulty in deprecating and removing obsolete software systems, it is often easier for users to evolve a system in situ, rather than completely replacing it. Incrementality doesn’t avoid the deprecation process altogether, but it does break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks that can yield incremental benefits. Within Google, we’ve observed that migrating to entirely new systems is extremely expensive, and the costs are frequently underestimated. Incremental deprecation efforts accomplished by in-place refactoring can keep existing systems running while making it easier to deliver value to users.(鉴于“弃用”和删除过时软件系统的难度,用户通常更容易就地改进系统,而不是完全替换它。增量并没有完全避免“弃用”过程,但它确实将其分解为更小、更易于管理的块,这些块可以产生增量收益。在 Google 内部,我们观察到迁移到全新系统的成本非常高,而且成本经常被低估。增量“弃用”工作通过就地重构实现的功能可以保持现有系统运行,同时更容易向用户交付价值。)