《Software Engineering at Google》摘抄(4)

by kevin 31. 八月 2022 13:55 >
We are also writing this chapter because of the increasing imbalance of power between those who make development decisions that impact the world and those who simply must accept and live with those decisions that sometimes disadvantage already marginalized communities globally. It is important to share and reflect on what we’ve learned so far with the next generation of software engineers. It is e... [更多...]

《Software Engineering at Google》摘抄(3)

by kevin 26. 八月 2022 14:00 >
Your organization understands your problem domain better than some random person on the internet; your organization should be able to answer most of its own questions. To achieve that, you need both experts who know the answers to those questions and mechanisms to distribute their knowledge, which is what we’ll explore in this chapter. These mechanisms range from the utterly simple (Ask questions;... [更多...]

最近阅读 2022-08-24

by kevin 24. 八月 2022 20:20 >
新鲜 今年夏天,欧洲发生了极端高温,很多河道都水位大降。 流经德国和捷克的易北河,水位下降以后,露出了河底的"饥饿石"。 所谓"饥饿石",就是15世纪到19世纪发生干旱时,当时的人们在这些石头上刻了字,提醒后人,如果再看到这些石头露出水面,就意味着会发生饥饿。 言论 我们作为管理者所做的事情通常会在更长的时间后才得到回报。 传统的经理关心的是如何把事情做好,而优秀的经理关心的是把什么事情做好(并相信他们的团队能想出办法来)。 我发现把自由的市场经济——或者部分自由的市场经济——当做某种生态系统是很有用的思维方式。动物在合适的地方能够繁衍,同样地,人只要在社会上找到了专属于自己的位置,也能够做得很成功。 测算合适的安全边际,只在自己明确界定的能力圈内行事,区分价值和价格、过程和行动、财富和规... [更多...]

《Software Engineering at Google》摘抄(2)

by kevin 15. 八月 2022 17:21 >
The answer is insecurity. People are afraid of others seeing and judging their work in progress. In one sense, insecurity is just a part of human nature—nobody likes to be criticized, especially for things that aren’t finished. Recognizing this theme tipped us off to a more general trend within software development: insecurity is actually a symptom of a larger problem.(答案是缺乏安全感。人们害怕别人看到和评价他们正在进行的工... [更多...]

《Software Engineering at Google》摘抄(1)

by kevin 14. 八月 2022 10:37 >
We propose that “software engineering” encompasses not just the act of writing code, but all of the tools and processes an organization uses to build and maintain that code over time.(我们建议,"软件工程 "不仅包括编写代码的行为,还包括一个组织用来长期构建和维护代码的所有工具和流程。) The book emphasizes three fundamental principles that we feel software organizations should keep in mind when designing, architecting, and writing their... [更多...]

最近阅读 2022-08-04

by kevin 4. 八月 2022 20:17 >
工具 windows便签 http://cppdebug.com/archives/286 笔记工具 https://strlen.com/treesheets/ 免费开源的思维导图工具 https://sourceforge.net/projects/freeplane/ https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/50368471 教程 FreeRDP 完全免费的远程桌面管理工具。此项目为远程桌面协议(RDP)的一个开源实现,通过它可以轻松实现 macOS 或 Linux 远程操作 Windows 桌面系统反之亦可,使用起来十分方便和流畅。 https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP 学习 《Software Engineering at Google》中文版《Google的软件工程》 ... [更多...]


by kevin 30. 六月 2022 16:22 >
每个用户默认查询的是public模式下的表,要切换成查询其他模式有两个方法: 1. ALTER database database_name SET search_path TO “$USER”, schema_name; 2. alter user use_name set search_path = "$user", schema_name ;

最近阅读 2022-05-23

by kevin 23. 五月 2022 13:57 >
新鲜 一位俄罗斯艺术家擅长在大楼外墙,绘制超现实主义的错觉壁画。 这是作画之前的大楼。 这是作画之后的大楼。   工具 https://github.com/filecxx/FileCentipede 跨平台文件下载器。它界面简洁、下载速度快、支持多协议,还有浏览器插件可用来下载网页中的视频和音频。 https://github.com/q191201771/lal https://pengrl.com/lal/#/ 流媒体服务器。完备的直播服务器,支持多种常见编码格式和 RTMP、RTSP、HLS 等协议。 学习 资源分享 https://github.com/oybab/TradingSystem 开源的交易管理系统。包含了服务器端、PC 客户端、手机客户端的源码,支持中文界面、交易管理、打印小票、会... [更多...]

2022年5月14日 求医

by kevin 14. 五月 2022 21:48 >

2022年5月5日 立夏

by kevin 5. 五月 2022 13:52 >


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