by kevin
十一月 2022 18:32
Most of the time, developers won’t notice when indices are out of date. They only care about a small subset of code, and even for that they generally won’t know whether there is more recent code. However, for the cases in which they wrote or reviewed the corresponding change, being out of sync can cause a lot of confusion. It tends not to matter whether the change was a small fix, a refactoring, or a completely new piece of code—developers simply expect a consistent view, such as they experience in their IDE for a small project.(大多数时候,开发人员不会注意到索引何时过期。他们只关心一小部分代码,即便如此,他们通常也不知道是否有更新的代码。但是,对于他们编写或审查相应更改的情况,不同步可能会导致很多混乱。更改是小修复、重构还是全新的代码片段往往并不重要——开发人员只期望一个一致的视图,例如他们在 IDE 中为一个小项目所体验的。)